
          	gosh I doubt that anyone will even read this but I am going to write it anyway. I am in my final year of school and my exams start in a fortnight, and to put it simply I am severely stressed, I have had multiple panic attacks and things aren't looking good for me right now. I don't have anyone I can talk to, I used to but unfortunately I lost them.
          	Yeah, I guess that is all, I miss being free


          gosh I doubt that anyone will even read this but I am going to write it anyway. I am in my final year of school and my exams start in a fortnight, and to put it simply I am severely stressed, I have had multiple panic attacks and things aren't looking good for me right now. I don't have anyone I can talk to, I used to but unfortunately I lost them.
          Yeah, I guess that is all, I miss being free


Hey guys, I am back :)
          Unfortunately I won't be able to write anything consistently due to school commitments but I will make an effort to chat to all my friends :)
          Oh, I have just entered My Coloured Dream into the Atty Awards and would love it if you could all go vote and comment on it if you haven't already :D


♥ ♥ ♥ Post ♥ this ♥ on ♥ anyone's ♥ profile ♥ who ♥ made ♥ you ♥ smile ♥ somewhere, ♥ sometime ♥ in ♥ your ♥ life ♥ it ♥ may ♥ surprise ♥ you, ♥ but ♥ check ♥ out ♥ how ♥ many ♥ will ♥ send ♥ you ♥ one ♥ back, ♥ thanks ♥ for ♥ making ♥ me ♥ smile. ♥"


Hey guys,
          So... unfortunately due to some personal issues I am going to have to take some time off from Wattpad. I'm not sure when I am going to be back... or if I will be back.
          I will be spending an hour on here starting now, but after that I am gone for a while. I am really sorry but I have to do this. I will be back once I have my head sorted out.
          I know not all of you really care but I figured I would tell you all anyway. 
          Bye I guess, not sure when I will be back. You have one hour to talk to me before I go :)


Hey everyone, unfortunately for me school has started up again. To make matters even worse I am in my final term so the teachers are piling on the work and even after the first day I am practically drowning! This means that I won't be on here quite so often but I will still try and get on at least once a day even if just for an hour.
          Message me anytime and I will always try my best to get back to you :)