
My book recommendation for the Soulies... 
          	Im doomed- i will go stir crazy if i do not get the rest of the book series I just started. 
          	Book 1: A Broken Blade 
          	Part of the halfling saga, second... i bought the book on Wednesday after my Physio appointment. 
          	Ive got my offical end time of how long it took me to read it over the last few days. 
          	Start date: February 19th
          	End date: February 23rd
          	Total time read: 7 hours and 43 Minutes. 
          	Pages: 433- not including the sneakpeak to the second book, maps, and author notes.
          	Longest sit time no distruptions: 3 hours 21 minutes. 
          	The good news, I don't work till 12:30PM and so that means I can go buy the second book and at least order and purchase the 3rd and 4th book. 


My book recommendation for the Soulies... 
          Im doomed- i will go stir crazy if i do not get the rest of the book series I just started. 
          Book 1: A Broken Blade 
          Part of the halfling saga, second... i bought the book on Wednesday after my Physio appointment. 
          Ive got my offical end time of how long it took me to read it over the last few days. 
          Start date: February 19th
          End date: February 23rd
          Total time read: 7 hours and 43 Minutes. 
          Pages: 433- not including the sneakpeak to the second book, maps, and author notes.
          Longest sit time no distruptions: 3 hours 21 minutes. 
          The good news, I don't work till 12:30PM and so that means I can go buy the second book and at least order and purchase the 3rd and 4th book. 


So I May or May NOT have been procrastinating on writing because i started reading a book called 'A Broken Blade'... literally about a female assassin, who is known as the blade to the King, and the book is heavily depressing, and had content warnings 3 pages in. 
          This book will so help me with my research on when I find the motivation to write I Am Here and See You Again, that follows a very similar personality trait. 


I honest to god, have tried to write today and i got 600 words written... 


@anomaly_in_allies we will get there soon! Just have to find inspiration!!!


@SoulTracker and im sitting here with a nasty writer's block. i already deleted my previous book because it just wasn't it and its happenin again 


Man... I didn't want to be 28 but here I am... maybe while I get my hair done, I'll write some notes for the upcoming updates. 


My Barely Lovers cover photo bothered me... the original had Minho upside down with the hour glass..  I had to flip it. It was bothering me.  
          Anyways may have another update for it by next week. If you havent received the update new Update for Barely Lovers was posted yesterday 


I was gonna try to be motivated to write today since i had da day off work. But my body decided to say fuxk it and made me last comatose all day. I had zero energy. 
          Works been complicated and were getting our floors epoxied, so the smell has been giving me migraines all week so today being away from the building felt so exhausting. 
          Hopefully monday i might have something posted. 
          Im truely sorry to my soulies. 


Happy New Year... Sending love from Canada ❤️ may this year bring you sadness, joy, anger, laughter and all the good and bad. 
          I want to be optimistic and I would love to say this will be the best year ever, or that i only wish good things, but i know people will go through hard times. 
          So im here supporting your hard times along with the good. 
          Be sure to treat yourselves to one good thing on your bucket list. 
          If you wanna travel? Do it? 
          Want a tattoo? Go for it!
          Wanna take up a new hobby? I support it. 
          Every day is a new day, every year comes once, so make the most of it no matter how good or bad it is. 
          I love you all!