
I know I'm inactive in this account; I can barely reply to you guys. I mean, I write in my main account, and I really want to focus on my books. I thought it'll be better to delete this account, but seeing that a lot of you guys followed, I just can't delete this account. Then again, this account was fun back then. I just don't have the heart to delete memories I made with friends. I'll leave the account alone for now, but don't expect it to be active either. As I said, my books on my main account matter to me. 
          	Stay cool~


@Soul__Eater__Evans what's your other account?


I need soul in my life 


@Lucy_Ash_Hawthorne This is my new account. XD I usually stay on this account to really get down in business while the other is just used when I need to have a bit of fun.


I know I'm inactive in this account; I can barely reply to you guys. I mean, I write in my main account, and I really want to focus on my books. I thought it'll be better to delete this account, but seeing that a lot of you guys followed, I just can't delete this account. Then again, this account was fun back then. I just don't have the heart to delete memories I made with friends. I'll leave the account alone for now, but don't expect it to be active either. As I said, my books on my main account matter to me. 
          Stay cool~


I feel like I've been abusing this account. .-.


@Soul__Eater__Evans  its ok not everyone has a lot of free time


@Soul__Eater__Evans I haven't been using it for quite some time.