
Wattpad just deleted another one of my stories, they had deleted one a long time ago and for some reason they just deleted another one. The one that was just removed was called “Teachers pet -Luwoo” I’m not really upset about it cuz it was old and embarrassing anyways but I kept it up cuz I know some people were still reading it so if you were one of those people that were and didn’t get to finish it I’m sorry I have no way to bring it back. 
          	For my recent books I have saved copies of each chapter on my notes just In case they delete anything else. Again I’m sorry if this affects you I don’t really know why they are deleting them I tried to figure it out but they won’t tell me. 


what?! i adored teachers pet sm !! so frustrating 


Literally it’s so annoying!! 
          	  But thank you I post only for you♡


this message may be offensive
@SoulefulJun OH that's so shit WTh. Why does Wattpad do that it's such an inconvenience. But I glad u've saved copies of ur books. They're genuinely well written and it would be such a shame to lose them.


Wattpad just deleted another one of my stories, they had deleted one a long time ago and for some reason they just deleted another one. The one that was just removed was called “Teachers pet -Luwoo” I’m not really upset about it cuz it was old and embarrassing anyways but I kept it up cuz I know some people were still reading it so if you were one of those people that were and didn’t get to finish it I’m sorry I have no way to bring it back. 
          For my recent books I have saved copies of each chapter on my notes just In case they delete anything else. Again I’m sorry if this affects you I don’t really know why they are deleting them I tried to figure it out but they won’t tell me. 


what?! i adored teachers pet sm !! so frustrating 


Literally it’s so annoying!! 
            But thank you I post only for you♡


this message may be offensive
@SoulefulJun OH that's so shit WTh. Why does Wattpad do that it's such an inconvenience. But I glad u've saved copies of ur books. They're genuinely well written and it would be such a shame to lose them.


          Hope ur fine!
          I read ur story "13 rules" it's really good story and I love it sm♡♡


@SoulefulJun ofc np cutie♡


Thank for reading and thank you for commenting ♡ makes my heart flutter 


Sorry I forgot to vote but I will do it...


Hello dear author,I have read your story “13 rules” and I want to state that it is amazing, I have read many stories but this one is so special to me, it was very captivating that I reread it.
          Thank you for making such a great work.Every chapter kept me hooked, you really know how to play with words to make the reader captivated and totally inspired by your way of putting words.


Aww that’s so sweet thank you for taking time out of your day to say that! I’m very glad people can still enjoy it, I personally can not cuz it’s so old and with more experience in writing now I can see all the mistakes that I want to fix but also don’t want to take the time out of my day to fix lol so when people say they enjoy it I get a bit embarrassed but it also makes me feel happy.  Thank you for reading ♡


Hi, heloo! 
          I started reading your book "13 Rules" and you wrote that you want to correct your spelling mistakes and edit some parts. I could help you with that^^. I can edit/correct the grammar in your chapters or just be your proofreader in general. If you are intrested you can write me^^!  
          Best wishes, Louise.


I really appreciate that! I feel like the book is just so old with so many I mean SO MANY mistakes it would take a whole re writing of the actual story in order to fix anything. I greatly appreciate it though 


Hello @SoulefulJun
           I am a new reader in your page and I am excited to start reading your book  "Its not a lovestory" but before I start to read I just wanted to clarify with who's top and who's bottom. Because I am not a fan of top soobin and I cannot drop the book mid way if its not what I expected so would you mind clearing that for me.


Oh and if you like more easy going innocent love type stories I have one I’m working on where it’s bottom Soobin and top Yeonjun it’s just not published yet cuz it’s still in the planning and drafting phase 


Where it’s top Yeonjun*


Yeah sorry for the late reply it’s top Soobin but I have another book where it’s too Yeonjun called “Never tell.” However it’s quite on the darker side 


Do people actually pay you on cash app


Kinda unrelated but I do get paid to draw ^ 


Nah lol, I put it in there quite awhile back thinking it was worth a shot and then just never took it down ‍♀️


I just realized all the *most recent (if not all) * book I write definitely is following a trend. They all are Scandals where the characters are not allowed to be together, but they come together anyways T^T it’s safe to say I have a favorite genre. I have sooo many books in draft right now such as :
          Yeonbin Angel or Devil which is exactly how it sounds. They aren’t allowed to be together but they are anyways. 
          Yeonbin single father Choi Soobin. They “aren’t” allowed to be together cuz Soobin has a whole kid so people would shame Yeonjun for being with him. 
          Yeonbin You (I want to keep this plot a bit of a secret for now but just know it’s another one were they aren’t allowed to be together but do anyways! ) 
          Yeongyubin can’t resist you. They are in a poly relationship with their boss  therefore “can’t be together” “scandal.” 
          And then the ones I have published rn are 
          Yeonbin 13 Rules can’t be together because of Yeonjuns mom and Soobin is afraid of that. (That one isn’t a strict but still) 
          Yeonbin It’s Not A Love Stroy. Can’t be together cuz they are coworkers and it’s against company policy. 
          Yeonbin Never Tell 
          (Might change the title name later on idk yet) but Soobin is Yeonjuns literal teacher so. 
          Idk why I eat this trope up so much