
If any of you are looking for more stories by me, my Ao3 has way more stuff than this does! My username is FluffyGhosty and I have mostly teen wolf and spn stuff! 


OMG I'm freaking out! My Sam X Reader has just been placed as #3 in the Samwinchester tag! Thank you all so much for reading my writing and leaving your comments! They mean so much to me, as do all of you! 


@Soullessdemontrap Congrats! You definitely earned it!


I've noticed a large rise in views this Thanksgiving. Knowing that people would rather read my crappy writing instead of spending time with their family, I'm not sure if I should be happy or not... Happy turkey day everyone (who celebrates it anyways)


Ok, excuse me while I die. I am currently listed as number #599 in fanfiction! I am so thankful for you guys and I can't believe the response I have gotten from you guys! I am in utter shock... 
          So, if you guys have requests for the one shots, I would be happy to add them I can't guarantee when they will get done, but I'll do them!