
I just heard about the passing of Helen Mccroy, my heart goes out to the family, and I know how heartbreaking it is to lose someone to cancer and have a loved one go through it. I have posted so many things I wanted to say about her on my Tumblr, and this whole thing just doesn't feel real.. I know I never knew her in anyway other than through the media and her characters, but I still feel completely shattered by all of this. Mccroy was the most amazing woman, and she deserved such a longer life, my heart goes out to her family.


I just heard about the passing of Helen Mccroy, my heart goes out to the family, and I know how heartbreaking it is to lose someone to cancer and have a loved one go through it. I have posted so many things I wanted to say about her on my Tumblr, and this whole thing just doesn't feel real.. I know I never knew her in anyway other than through the media and her characters, but I still feel completely shattered by all of this. Mccroy was the most amazing woman, and she deserved such a longer life, my heart goes out to her family.


Oh, I am working on a new story to work on while writing the fanfic, I know I'm not the most consistent, but I am  getting into the swing of things, it's just hard between school and figuring out my university and all that jazz.