this message may be offensive
This is an old account. Anybody seeing this account - just know that I am so fucking sorry for any pain I may have caused with this stupid shit. I'm working to get it deleted, but I don't know the password or any login information. This stuff was so goddamn stupid, literally absolutely no excuse. I've since educated myself and stopped living in my stupid fucking white bubble where adults told me how great the fucking confederacy was. It was not great. It was disgusting and terrible, and no matter how much I just wanted to create a character to fit in with my fandom, there is no excuse for picking, like, the worst one to ever do that with. The Hetalia fandom FEEDS on racism. There is so much horrific injustice within the fandom, from claiming that those within Axis Powers didn't know what they were doing, to disregarding people of color and how they felt about different things. Make sure you think before you do stupid shit when you're 14. And if you accept my apology, thank you.