
Hello again I'm going to be straightforward and blunt when I say I lost all modivation to continue writing. I suppose my desire just faded away at some point but that's not why I'm posting. I'm posting this to let you all know that I'm going to take the story's direction in a VASTLY different direction than what I originally intended. It's kind of a good thing that I didn't update it recently because that would make the story much less workable in terms of drastic change.
          	TLDR: Story is taking massive turn.


@AdeptusHistorica I'm glad you enjoyed it and their will be more to come


I know the feeling all to well, still a bit sad as it gave me a good laugh. 


Hello again I'm going to be straightforward and blunt when I say I lost all modivation to continue writing. I suppose my desire just faded away at some point but that's not why I'm posting. I'm posting this to let you all know that I'm going to take the story's direction in a VASTLY different direction than what I originally intended. It's kind of a good thing that I didn't update it recently because that would make the story much less workable in terms of drastic change.
          TLDR: Story is taking massive turn.


@AdeptusHistorica I'm glad you enjoyed it and their will be more to come


I know the feeling all to well, still a bit sad as it gave me a good laugh. 


Hey guys I'm gonna be completely transparent with you I'm probably not going to post another part to follow your heart for awhile because I'm dealing with a lot of personal issues right now, I'll try to have something by the end of the week though


@Soviet31 Hi.. it's been a while. I really enjoyed this story...but i hope you're mentally and physically good. Will you continue this or it's finally over..