
Does anyone know what happen to that one book called Smooth Sailing. It was about a girl and a blind guy falling in love. The boy's  name was Matthew and I think the girl's name was Lila. Matthew's best friend tried to get with Lila. It was really good and one of my favorites but I can't find it and I don't know the account that published it.


Does anyone know what happen to that one book called Smooth Sailing. It was about a girl and a blind guy falling in love. The boy's  name was Matthew and I think the girl's name was Lila. Matthew's best friend tried to get with Lila. It was really good and one of my favorites but I can't find it and I don't know the account that published it.


I've been wanting to change my username for the longest time now and now I have. I am no longer GarrothofPhenixDrop but now I am...THEGODDESSOFFANFICTION3. My book cover will continue to say GarrothofPhenixDrop until I change them so yeah. Alos thanks for sticking with my account despite the slow updates. I'm trying  to get my life together plus I have a lot of different ideas/books that haven't been published yet. So you have those to look forward too. By the way, Who else is ready to move outta America now that Trump is officially president.


          Hello Followers,
            I decided I'm going to change the theme of my account. I want to focus more on my OUAT books because I lobe the story lines behind them and there is a lot more options on how I want to go across them. Minecraft Diaries was so limited on information and the books I did were focused on the MCD which is currently on hold. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. 