


this message may be offensive
this guy just called our home phone three times and left a message, which to sum it up, said "FUCK YOU, DUMBASS" (actual quote, no lie) ON PURPOSE and my mom legit just walked over to the phone, answered, and said, and i quote: "YOU JUST CUSSED OUT MY HOME- *indistinct chatter* WELL YOU CAN GO TO HELL."
          I love her 50% more now.


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I'm having a sudden vivid memory of my 7th grade English teacher screaming about Romeo and Juliet after Juliet fucked Romeo and refused to marry the other dude and he asked a kid in our class why Juliet suddenly abjured the idea of marriage to her father and the kid shyly said, "because she slept with a dude and so she's a woman now" and my teacher was like "YEAH, HEY DAD, I JUST FUCKED A DUDE, I'M A WOMAN NOW" and like, screamed that at  the top of his lungs.
          yeah he was a really bad influence