
okay so um…
          	i just realized i never explained where i went. i just kinda disappeared three years ago.
          	first, let me introduce myself again.
          	my name is jaime, i use they/them pronouns, i’m about to be a sophomore theatre major in college, i’m autistic, queer, and disabled.
          	with that out of the way…
          	i will not be returning to wattpad or writing more kpop stories. i still love kpop!! but i only write fanfic occasionally now and it’s never about kpop. ( if you like julie and the phantoms or ride the cyclone, go check me out on ao3 at jaimemae! )
          	i started this account when i was a freshman in high school. now i’m about to be a sophomore in college. time flies. i have changed an enormous amount since i deleted wattpad. i barely even remember that time in my life! being spacebunzmomo connected me with so many amazing people. however, i left that time in my life behind me years ago.
          	i was going through my old stories and reminiscing on a time a barely even remember, and i realized how my stories have a lasting impact on people. the reads on my stories continue to go up, even years and years after i’ve published them. hell, i remember having around 150 or 160 followers when i left, and now i have almost 400? that’s crazy. i literally haven’t been posting.
          	if you’ve gotten this far, thank you. the possibility that little freshman year jaime has fans and people still reading their stories amazes me. i want to keep these stories up and possibly post the chapters and one-shots i never posted at the time. not for me now. for the person i was back then.
          	i’m going to take the time to think about what i want to do and maybe edit some of those unpublished chapters.
          	thank you for reading. this is my final message to everyone on this app. having a platform like this was such an incredible experience. thank you. each and every one of you. i love you all.
          	this is spacebunzmomo saying goodbye. once and for all.
          	thank you for everything <33


@SpaceBunzMomo alr jaime stay happy and take care, bye bye,<33 and welcome


okay so um…
          i just realized i never explained where i went. i just kinda disappeared three years ago.
          first, let me introduce myself again.
          my name is jaime, i use they/them pronouns, i’m about to be a sophomore theatre major in college, i’m autistic, queer, and disabled.
          with that out of the way…
          i will not be returning to wattpad or writing more kpop stories. i still love kpop!! but i only write fanfic occasionally now and it’s never about kpop. ( if you like julie and the phantoms or ride the cyclone, go check me out on ao3 at jaimemae! )
          i started this account when i was a freshman in high school. now i’m about to be a sophomore in college. time flies. i have changed an enormous amount since i deleted wattpad. i barely even remember that time in my life! being spacebunzmomo connected me with so many amazing people. however, i left that time in my life behind me years ago.
          i was going through my old stories and reminiscing on a time a barely even remember, and i realized how my stories have a lasting impact on people. the reads on my stories continue to go up, even years and years after i’ve published them. hell, i remember having around 150 or 160 followers when i left, and now i have almost 400? that’s crazy. i literally haven’t been posting.
          if you’ve gotten this far, thank you. the possibility that little freshman year jaime has fans and people still reading their stories amazes me. i want to keep these stories up and possibly post the chapters and one-shots i never posted at the time. not for me now. for the person i was back then.
          i’m going to take the time to think about what i want to do and maybe edit some of those unpublished chapters.
          thank you for reading. this is my final message to everyone on this app. having a platform like this was such an incredible experience. thank you. each and every one of you. i love you all.
          this is spacebunzmomo saying goodbye. once and for all.
          thank you for everything <33


@SpaceBunzMomo alr jaime stay happy and take care, bye bye,<33 and welcome


should i make a windows sequel?
          i’ve got a rough plot idea. the main plot would be set in winter so i’d probably start publishing it in late december 2020 or early january 2021 and end around june 2021.
          i’d love to write it but would anyone read it?
          (it would follow he same publishing schedule of posting on the day it’s set)