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wattpad really is a weird site. not like in the way that there's weird stuff on here, which there is tons, but it's weird how everyone on here seems to act in a certain way and talk or think in a certain way. it's like the site is 50% weebs and 50% others, which i can't exactly describe, probably the people on here who write original stories and get success from them even though they're rather mediocre. not that i can do better but my point still stands. i don't feel like i fit in this site. or half the other sites i'm on. i don't feel like i belong anywhere, for fuck's sake. i can't tell if i enjoy half the stuff i do or not. i think it's just my brain adapting to happiness, since i used to be in a constant state of panic, and now i'm happier, so maybe i've just became numb to that sort of mild happiness. however the one happy feeling i'll never get numb to is love. it really is crazy. like the shit you read about in stories, but less cliche, more awkward, but even more magical. what the fuck am i even on about hahah... i wish i still had stories to post on here but writing has became a chore to me which is sad cause i used to love it to death now i can barely write a creative sentance. however i might start trying to make comics!! dunno if i can actually post em to wattpad though. i think i might start actually reading stories on this site but i need to find actual good ones cause all the ones that are something i'd like are poorly written and all the well written ones aren't really what i'm into. in fact what am i even into??? who knows