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Dunno if I ever mentioned that I needed to get surgery but just letting y'all know that aside from being dizzy/light headed and not having eaten shit yet ik doing pretty okay so yea
For those who are curious, I had to get surgery for my jaw. I have 17mm overbite when 5mm is normal, long story short, my dentist didn't send me to the orthodontist on time and I stopped growing too soon so yay.
Anyway, braces can only fix 3mm max, so surgery was the only thing that could fix it.
They broke my upper jaw and put some thingy in it, to make my jaw wider.
It doesn't hurt a lot, my face is just swollen as shit and the pressure is there but again, it doesn't hurt.
I've been sleeping more than I ever have in my life as well so that's great lmao
So yea, that's about it. Feel free to ask questions, but ik still tired as shit so it might take a while for me to reply lmao