
I'm just a socially awkward teenager who is really weird and annoying.

Things I like:
- Music
- Bands
- Books
- Pizza
- Comics
- Gummy Bears
- Cool Breeze Gum
- Blood
- Dissecting Eyeballs
- Being Awkward
- Death
- Art
- Drawing
- Astronomy

Things I dislike:
- Everything
- Everyone
- People
- Hugs
- Orange
- Homophobia
- Happy Things
- When People Don't close the Goddamn Door
- Annoying, Overplayed Pop Songs
- Attention Seeking Whores
- Judgemental people
- Narcissists/Egoistic Self-Absorbed Assholes

Okay, So Here are Some Facts About Me:
- I can play five instruments
- My favourite colours are Black, White, Blue Grey
- I love koalas
- I have blue/grey eyes
- I am the opposite to normal
- Everyone hates me
- I'm band obsessed
- My favourite movies/TV shows are the Harry Potter series, Sherlock (the Benedict Cumberbatch version) Now You See Me, The Hobbit, The Lord Of The Ring and Not Cool.
- Harry Potter, Music, Bands, Pizza and Books pretty much sums up my life
- My only three friends are AMAZING and I wouldn't want it any other way

I would list all the bands I like but that would take a few days and I wouldn't fit it all in...:)

I really like writing books so maybe one day I will post one and then it will be really bad and no one will read it.... :/

Goodbye Child...
  • Hogwarts
  • JoinedJanuary 30, 2015