Greetings everyone,
Yeah, I'm not dead, I've just been a bit busy with work and such and haven't had time to update my stories. I was going to update my older stories, but I don't exactly remember where they were going anymore, to be completely honest. Most of the stories that were previously on my account were fanfictions from fandoms I used to love years ago, but that was a long time ago. I don't want to write fanfictions anymore, nor do I remember anything from any old fandoms that I was a part of when I was younger.
So, unfortunately for those who want to read any of my fanfictions from my younger days, those are not likely to become available again, and if they ever do updates will probably be really slow due to me having to try and remember where I wanted the story to go and how specific characters reacted.
On a happier note though, people who want to read my original stories will love sticking around, because I plan to post more! From choose your own adventure stories to horror stories to love stories, I plan on being more original, more creative.
I'm sorry to anyone this may upset, but I just want to branch out some. I hope you understand.
I want to branch out some with original stories, so I may not complete or even publish any of my old fanfictions because I'm not in the fandom anymore and lost my inspiration for them.