
KISSFANATIC2017 Is my master and he controls me. No one else will because he has erased my mind and I do whatever he says


Ok so first things first what in the woomy's name wrong with you!
          First the KISSFANATIC2017 user is not exist in the whole indexed internet so i have no idea where did you find it 
          Secend if you really "loyal" to KISSFANATIC2017
          Why you following other "masters"...
          I spotted five that i know....
          Third this is waste of time...
          I don't know what with you the Strongest thing that my "experience" with this is two options
          1.the people that test your "masters" scripts cannot get commands on English bc their brain is not built for English but for my home language
          2. these people are a big scammers
          By the way i will never tried that by myself
          It's all research by the bar elan's university teen Program 
          So about that core it really looks like i need to research this so thx!
          (But you still got problems if you went for this) 
          Have a nice day!