
this message may be offensive
Everyone's acting like Trump is going to make the country shit, like honey, the country was already shit 


@SparklyPizza now this is somethin i can agree on!


Also daedric princes 
          Sheogorath -because love and Crazy goes together
          -Jygallag turned into sheogorath because he watched the daedric prince of love get murdered and feels responsible. Jygollag try's to manipulate the deadric prince of love. Leading to her death.Learning he loved her only when it was too late. 
          - Sheogorath realizing he was once mortal and going off his misadventures.
          Clavicus Vile
          - makes a deal with a mortal not for their soul but just for a date.
          -Clavicus gets out tricked by the woman he starts to fall for.


Just some ideas 
          Martin Septim x hero of kvatch
          I'm just a prisoner
          Well I'm just a priest
          The Dragon born has been a Septim this whole time but an illegitimate heir due to being a female. 
          Brynjolf finds out and it's like tangled
          Or Ulfric finds out and fan girls.
          (I'm going to write one like this later.)
          Uriel Septim 
          Knew about the Hero of Kvatch and Martin and shipped it hard core
          Joffrey watched as the hero of Kvatch becomes indispensable to Martin
          Martin. Sacrifices himself to save the hero of Kvatch. Because of a dream he had for telling her end instead of his.