
Hey readers, It's been a long year for me. Lots of changes I cant even begin to explain.  Dont know if any of you actually care, probably not, but thats ok. Im not continuing friendzone, the way I thought and wrote was different when I first started that. Never would I ever expect 2.9k people to actually read that, but thank you. I'm making a new account, and writing a new story which I now will have time to do. I need to keep writing- it keeps me sane. I've realized how much I've missed it. This is sort of a little journal+update thing  as you can see haha. Anyways, goodbye, it was fun while it lasted. Thank you again for everything. Keep supporting others, it really helps.


Hey readers, It's been a long year for me. Lots of changes I cant even begin to explain.  Dont know if any of you actually care, probably not, but thats ok. Im not continuing friendzone, the way I thought and wrote was different when I first started that. Never would I ever expect 2.9k people to actually read that, but thank you. I'm making a new account, and writing a new story which I now will have time to do. I need to keep writing- it keeps me sane. I've realized how much I've missed it. This is sort of a little journal+update thing  as you can see haha. Anyways, goodbye, it was fun while it lasted. Thank you again for everything. Keep supporting others, it really helps.