
So it's now May and I'm still trying to get something done and posted. hopefully soon there will be something. Things in my life are calming down now a bit and I'm not so exhausted now. so I'm back to working on some things. So here's a rundown on what's coming.
          	1) Dragon Tamers will not be continued right now. I've lost inspiration for it and I shouldn't have even posted it as it was far from being finished. I will  most likely be deleting it from the account.
          	2) The Phenomenon story might not be done as I've lost the plan I had for it and a lot of what I had written (which was not typed out). I am trying to find it but until I do there's not much I can do with it except maybe try to start over which i don't find ideal but...
          	3) While recuperating from working nights, health and exhaustion and writers block among other things I recently got into listening to K-pop and have been inspired to start writing K-pop fanfics and have 3 on the go. The first  one is a BTS centric story where the BTS members all have unique abilities. The other 2 are Stray Kids centric. 1 is a zombie story and the other is a murder story.
          	None of these stories are ready to be posted yet. the BTS one is getting there but not quite yet the other two are only a couple chapters in. I'll post more about them (summaries, titles, ETC) as they get closer to being done. hopefully my life stays calm for a while so something can get done and posted soon. Please be patient I will get something up.


So it's now May and I'm still trying to get something done and posted. hopefully soon there will be something. Things in my life are calming down now a bit and I'm not so exhausted now. so I'm back to working on some things. So here's a rundown on what's coming.
          1) Dragon Tamers will not be continued right now. I've lost inspiration for it and I shouldn't have even posted it as it was far from being finished. I will  most likely be deleting it from the account.
          2) The Phenomenon story might not be done as I've lost the plan I had for it and a lot of what I had written (which was not typed out). I am trying to find it but until I do there's not much I can do with it except maybe try to start over which i don't find ideal but...
          3) While recuperating from working nights, health and exhaustion and writers block among other things I recently got into listening to K-pop and have been inspired to start writing K-pop fanfics and have 3 on the go. The first  one is a BTS centric story where the BTS members all have unique abilities. The other 2 are Stray Kids centric. 1 is a zombie story and the other is a murder story.
          None of these stories are ready to be posted yet. the BTS one is getting there but not quite yet the other two are only a couple chapters in. I'll post more about them (summaries, titles, ETC) as they get closer to being done. hopefully my life stays calm for a while so something can get done and posted soon. Please be patient I will get something up.


Alright so it's getting to the end of January and I still haven't posted anything this year. So here's what's going on. I'm going on a hiatus for a bit. The reason being is health, exhaustion and working a lot to the point I haven't been able to write. I'm still trying to finish Dragon Tamers and the other story I started. I'm hoping to get them finished and posted no later than the end of February beginning of March hopefully. I'm still writing them out on paper but I haven't been able to type them out and post them. Please be patient with me I will be back to posting once things in my life come down.  Thanks for understanding.


Okay so the last chapter of Releasing The Trapped is finally finished. It will be posted on Sunday as planned. After posting the  chapter I will be going on a brief break and not posting anything for a little while. I plan on finishing up writing Home (not official title yet) and Dragon Tamers so I can finish posting Dragon Tamers and start posting the other story. Will post more about the other one as I get closer to finishing it and get ready to start posting it.


Okay just a quick update. Releasing the trapped will be finished in a week or 2 depending on when I can get the last chapter finished. Once that's done I'll be taking a break from posting for a while. I'll be focusing on a few stories.
          1) Dragon tamers: I'll be writing out chapters and trying to get it finished before I continue posting chapters
          2) Phenomena (not official title as of yet): I've been working on this one for a while trying to get the chapters written & typed out & ready to post the first few chapters are written & typed but I still have a lot more to type out
          3) Home (also not official title): Another story I've been working on won't say much about it yet as it's no where near ready to post.
          4) another story idea I've been working on that I won't reveal yet as I've barely started it
          This is going to be my current story list for the upcoming year. Once these are done I'll see about other story ideas. Dragon Tamers may be continued in December if not it'll be January. I'll be working on all of these stories listed diligently until they are finished and ready to post.


Okay. So there is no update this week for Dragon Tamers. I have not been able to finish the next chapter. Between work (working extra hours because I need the money and they need the workers), family being down (2 out of 3 nieces are down for a day camp and I think in the next week or so the third will be coming down with the parents) and actually having to live life (Shopping for food, doing things with family etc.) There hasn't been a lot of time to work on the chapter. On top of that my vehicle broke down and getting a hold of family to help with finding the part needed has been a pain. All in all there is just a lot of stress in my life right now so I'm going to be putting Dragon Tamers on hold for a couple months until things calm down a bit. I'm hopping to get back to it after a month but it might be a couple. I won't discontinue this story I'm just taking a break from it to get some things dealt with and maybe get the other story I'm working on finished. I might even be rewriting Dragon Tamers to make it better and make it come together better.


This Saturday there will be an update for both Dragon Tamers & Releasing The Trapped. There was no update last weekend because I was unwell and had just had my wisdom teeth removed last Friday but I'm way better and hoping to start  up my usual updating schedule


Okay the official release date for Releasing the Trapped is January 7th. The first chapter will be posted then also being posted on that day right after Releasing the Trapped is the first chapter of my first Tokyo Revengers story Dragon Tamers.  
          Releasing the Trapped will be updated weekly on Saturdays. It is almost finished and I know where I'm going with it and how it will end.
          Dragon Tamers will not be updated as much. I'm just starting it and it's not nearly finished. I will post the chapters as I finish them. It will take some time but it'll get done.
          Thanks for the patience and I hope you'll check out both stories and enjoy them as much as I enjoy writing them.


Okay so I will start posting Releasing the Trapped in the first week of January. I'm also posting a second story at the same time called Dragon Tamers. It's my first Tokyo Revengers story which is an anime I've become quite interested in. both stories will come out at the same time but Releasing the Trapped which is a Beyblade burst story will be updated on a weakly basis where as Dragon Tamers is just a little side project I've just started. Check them out when they come out.


Okay so I've mostly finished Releasing the Trapped. I've gone over the chapters already written out  and made sure everything pretty much fit and came together. I still need to write out the ending which is proving a bit difficult. I think I have one more chapter to write and then I can start posting it. I am working full time now and on overnights so that make things a little slower. If I don't start posting Releasing The Trapped by the middle of November expect it in either December or the beginning of the new year but it will come.