
Hi there.
          Welcome to Wattpad. I am Maja, one of the volunteer ambassadors on here. I just wanted to come over and make sure you're getting the best out of Wattpad.
          If you have any questions, or if you just want to talk. Feel free to message me, either by pressing reply underneath here and tag me, or by messaging me on my profile. I'll do my best to help.
          I hope you'll have a great time here on Wattpad.
          - Maja, Wattpad Ambassador


Hola :) I hope that you are at least having a super-dooper awsome time on wattpad :) ---And hey, welcome! :D I don't mean to be weird, but i saw that you're new and wanted to say welcome and let you know that i'm wishing you all the best :) So thank you for reading and please feel free to pm if you have any questions about this awesome website :) I hope you have a lovely day goodbye 
          from, thirtythousand