
It my birthday today guys, I am 23 years old


I'm working on chapter 9 and 10 for my mass effect book and I want your guys opinion on something. Should the Council offer Ezra to become a Spectre? It's something I thought about but I would like your guys opinion as well before i begin working on it.


@tankandozzer yes it would but it would also help Ezra adapt to a brand new universe. Ezra will remain with Shepard crew, meeting the other members of his old team, fighting alongside them as they battle old enemies. 


@DOM0216 yes it would but the idea I had is that if he does accept being a spectre he would ask to remain with Shepard team. Ezra would work with council as they try to find a home, Ezra would learn new things from other species and gain their trust. I have plan for a few rebels to find away to Ezra in future chapters


hey arbiter hope you had a nice new year


no dude I was just checking on you and wondered what you think of my story


@tankandozzer I did. If you are asking me why I ain't updating I took a break because I'm trying to find a different way to update my books without using my phone.


hey arbiter its been a while, how is it going and how are you liking my story so far, p.s. I saw your announcement


ok just updated it just a head up


@tankandozzer I will before I go to bed. I like to read before bed 


thank you and hey I have a voting chapter that I would like your opinion on, give it a read and put your answer in the comments


Hey can I make a story suggestion? Essentially Ezra during a mission finds an ancient sith warship and it has a bunch of cool looking male and female sith of different species but most importantly one female is a pure blooded sith. Also the sith’s in question were actually pretty chill in turns of actions and also decide to join the rebellion against the galactic empire because of the fact they are annoyed by palpatine.