
Wow, I really have forgotten about this app. Well I guess it's time for my yearly update LOL.
          	First and foremost: I am alive. I am actually on my last semester at university so YAY. It is shaping up to be a crazy last semester filled with projects but it's all fun projects so I'm not too worried (famous last words). 
          	I also started my career as an IT Technician! I adore technology so I'm very excited to have taken this step before I graduate as the job market is so bad right now. I've been at my current job for two months and I absolutely love it. Doing something you love as a job is amazing and I'm so grateful for this opportunity.
          	I will remain on hiatus as I still don't have enough time to breathe in the busy schedule known as life. I know it's not the news that some of you want to hear as I know there are those waiting for the ending of my Agent Alaska series. I will get it completed some day, but that day isn't today sadly. 
          	I do occasionally read here on Wattpad so if you have any book recommendations, drop it down below! I'm in need for new reading material for when I have a few minutes before class and during slow periods at work. I hope y'all are doing well and I miss y'all!
          	~ Alaska


@tmcgo777 thank you! I hope you are doing amazing as well!!


@Spartan_Abby_Wren, good to hear from you. I hope you're doing well 


@KnightWolf001 I think it was pretty good! Although the storyline wasn't what I expected, it still felt at least satisfying to have an ending to the series as a whole. My personal head cannon for the end is still season 13 though lol


Wow, I really have forgotten about this app. Well I guess it's time for my yearly update LOL.
          First and foremost: I am alive. I am actually on my last semester at university so YAY. It is shaping up to be a crazy last semester filled with projects but it's all fun projects so I'm not too worried (famous last words). 
          I also started my career as an IT Technician! I adore technology so I'm very excited to have taken this step before I graduate as the job market is so bad right now. I've been at my current job for two months and I absolutely love it. Doing something you love as a job is amazing and I'm so grateful for this opportunity.
          I will remain on hiatus as I still don't have enough time to breathe in the busy schedule known as life. I know it's not the news that some of you want to hear as I know there are those waiting for the ending of my Agent Alaska series. I will get it completed some day, but that day isn't today sadly. 
          I do occasionally read here on Wattpad so if you have any book recommendations, drop it down below! I'm in need for new reading material for when I have a few minutes before class and during slow periods at work. I hope y'all are doing well and I miss y'all!
          ~ Alaska


@tmcgo777 thank you! I hope you are doing amazing as well!!


@Spartan_Abby_Wren, good to hear from you. I hope you're doing well 


@KnightWolf001 I think it was pretty good! Although the storyline wasn't what I expected, it still felt at least satisfying to have an ending to the series as a whole. My personal head cannon for the end is still season 13 though lol


Oh boy... It's been months but I'm here with an update on life and let me tell ya: it's been hectic.
          I got laid off from my job taking care of giraffes. This was 13 days into 2024 and it hit me hard. I tried out a job but there was one staff member that just didn't sit right with me so I left. I recently applied to GameStop so hopefully I have some luck there.
          University has been so terrible lol. I don't know who gave these professors their positions but I am in survival mode, trying to make sure I at least pass the class. It sucks :c
          I was also diagnosed with severe anxiety due to how much stress I've been going through since a young age and with current events. However, I have been working on improving my mental state with the new knowledge I have about myself and it's getting better. I still get overwhelmed, but I know that it's ok to feel that way and release the pressure when needed.
          My best friend that I met online around 7 years ago just got engaged and asked me to be her maid of honor. I am super excited for that and to even meet her face to face for the first time. 
          Also, my boyfriend of 5 years has returned home from his job after 3 years which means no more long distance! Which means I don't have to wait 1-3 months to see him anymore and we have been a lot happier.
          So there's been a lot of positives and negatives, but overall I'm doing alright. A lot of self-growth and trying to be more aware of the world around me and how I express myself. I just turned 21 and I'm excited to see where this year takes me despite the challenges.
          I hope y'all are doing well and I miss writing for y'all. I graduated from University in spring 2025 so once school is done, I can finally pick up writing again as I absolutely love it as a hobby.
          Sleep well, drink plenty of water, and happy reading <3
          ~ Alaska


@Spartan_Abby_Wren I’m sorry that went through all of that and yeah. I still can’t believe that RoosterTeeth is gonna shutdown. But at least you’re back online again. :)


Oh and P.S. I've just started binging Red vs Blue again with my boyfriend and his best friend who has never seen it before. We're on season 2 and so far, he is enjoying the comedy. Hopefully we can get through all the season before RT gets sold off. But who knows? Maybe I'll get inspired to continue writing again lol.


Guys you wouldn't believe this. Like trust me... It's something you would of never expected ever.
          I may,
          Or may not,
          Have been plotting out Agent Alaska: The End.
          CRAZY RIGHT?! Like I don't have 8 chapters planned out with a way to redeem Shatter Squad in them like that's just insane. Flushing out more character arcs? Pleaseeee, I haven't posted a chapter in a year almost. 
          Ok but seriously, with Raed vs Blue coming to an end, I think it's time to actually wrap things up with my current stories. I will have an A/N at the end of the series explaining why it took years to come back to the book. 
          SO WHAT DOES THIS MEAN: I'm still on hiatus. I don't wanna promise chapters since The End's whole plot is 100% my own making. That takes a lot of brain power to be able to write these beloved characters without pulling a Season Zero. Second, I also have to finish Just Dropping In as well (I've already complained about how I can't split the chapters as nicely as I would like so I won't again).
          Consider this my slow return. I am still in the shadows but I'm alive and writing again at least. SEE YOU GUYS SOON <3


I'm still on Hiatus but I needed a place to scream out that RED VS BLUE IS GETTING A FINAL SEASON HDISDBSIBSSJNS
          Between Ashoka and now this, Fall is looking so good for content. I'm so pumped.
          Anyways, I return into the void now. Hope y'all are excited as I am about the news and doing amazing <3


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@Spartan_Abby_Wren well I guess there is no time like the present to rewatch RVB again or just tex beating the shit out of the reds and blue's to get my day going hehehe


Alrighty, I think I'm gonna call it. I'm officially going on hiatus.
          I have tried over the past few months to write but I was unsuccessful. I recently started my first job as a giraffe caretaker back in January so trying to balance university, a social life, and now work has been difficult. I haven't even thought about this app until I started reorganizing my folders on my phone LOL.
          But I'm officially coming on here to say that I am going on hiatus. I need to find a way to balance everything in my life before I try to pick up writing again. I hate to leave my books unfinished but hey, that's how life rolls sometimes.
          I love you all dearly and I hope to return soon. Until then, keep on reading!!
          ~ Alaska <3


@Spartan_Abby_Wren giraffe caretaker may be the coolest job ever, best of luck to you


Best of luck


Hay y'all!! December Update!!
          Well really, I'm procrastinating doing a coding project that's due at midnight bc its way too difficult :') plus I just took 3 finals in the past 24 hours so my brain is mush.
          My 6 year anniversary on the site is coming up on the 14th and I got a lovely present of my first book, Agent Alaska, hitting 50k reads !! Thank you guys !! I know I'm not as active as I should be but I really appreciate every single one of you that have stuck around for so long and have been really patient with updates.
          I do plan to get an update of some sort on the 14th of December to celebrate my Wattpad anniversary. I literally have no excuse since I wrap up the semester at midnight today. Y'all are the best and I'll see you soon !! <333


Uhhhh I forgot to do an update in October. WHOOPS.
          BUT hey y'all!! I'm still alive I think. College has been keeping me busy and I have finals coming up in December. 
          I do plan to get a job beginning next year at a local zoo as well so I can get some work experience under my belt. I would rather not work but I must adult so I have money for college :(
          I hope y'all had a good Halloween and are doing well!! Also, let me know if you have found any new RvB books here on Wattpad that you liked. It's been a while since I read someone else's RvB book and I'm curious to see what's new!!


September Update with an actual book update !!
          Yes, you heard that correctly, I got around to posting a chapter! It took me a while to get this one right as it dealed with actual lines in the show, but I hope y'all enjoy!!
          I just started my fall semester in my 2nd year of college and I'm already dying LOL. Plus, if y'all don't know, I live in the USA in the fun state of Florida. I just got word that we might be dealing with a hurricane next week so.. that's going to be fun.
          BUT I hope y'all are doing well and I hope you enjoy my next chapter !!


@Chorus8 sorry !! I don't do that anymore :( it's too much pressure to make sure the character is as the owner sees then so I rather just keep it to my own vision.


Any chance there’s room for an OC?


Dudeee I remember when you were a crew and friends fan lmaoo. I wasn't really part of that Twitter group of C&F fans but I was hella active in the fandom in like 2017-2019 lol (found you from a tofuudiger picture book and realized I remembered you lmaoo)


Hey y'all!!
          I just finished Summer Semester!! It was tough. Like I wanted to jump off a 1 foot cliff tough. But I got through it and now I got 3 weeks to prepare for a Coding exam that is required for my degree.
          I hope to get some chapters written in-between studying and gearing towards Fall semester. I have one chapter almost done for "Just Dropping In" so that might drop soon. 
          Other than that, hope y'all are going good!! Love ya !!


@Spartan_Abby_Wren It's good to hear from you again my friend. Good luck!