
More than a year later, I've finally posted the first chapter of the sequel to 'A Song For Another Time'. I am such a slow writer, friends, I am SO sorry.  I was going to hold on to this for a few more days, but I needed to feel some kind of accomplishment tonight so that I could face the morning. 
          	The sequel is titled "Keep Me in Mind" and I would be so appreciative if you checked it out.


More than a year later, I've finally posted the first chapter of the sequel to 'A Song For Another Time'. I am such a slow writer, friends, I am SO sorry.  I was going to hold on to this for a few more days, but I needed to feel some kind of accomplishment tonight so that I could face the morning. 
          The sequel is titled "Keep Me in Mind" and I would be so appreciative if you checked it out.


Hi am a huge fan of your hikaru story but am wondering if you were going to post or continue with a sequel? If not then cool too 


Hey there! Thanks so much for reading :) I am actually hoping to post the first chapter of the sequel sometime next week. it’s been a long time coming and I’m sorry to make everyone wait 


Good morning/night, first of all thank you for the amazing fanfic. My name is Jolie, and I really enjoy your fanfiction. I want to ask for your permission to translate them into Vietnamese. I will not change any of the stories' details, and I will include the author's name. I won't translate it if you're not comfortable. I'll wait for your response!


I'm really bad at a lot of things. I'm bad at sticking to a posting schedule. I'm bad at writing more than 200 words in a week. I'm bad at interacting with readers on here. I'm bad at - people - in general. 
          But, I'm trying to get better. I posted the newest chapter of WWP today and I'm hoping to wrap up the initial writing of both my Hikaru and Kuroo stories in the next months  before moving toward working on some newer ideas. I guess we'll see where the tide takes me.


I finally posted an update on my Hikaru story after nearly a month of silence. It has been quite the trying month, but here we are. Please be patient with me as life continues on. ^^;
          I hope you are all staying safe and being mindful of those around you. Please take it from me, though death is never easy to deal with, it is especially hard to recover and move on during these times. So lets do our best to keep others from suffering. ❤


Hello all! It's been a little while. Things in the world are not better yet, so let's not stop talking about them, okay?
          On another note: I've posted the first chapter of a new story I've been working on for a little while that I hope you will give a chance. It's a dystopian/spy AU short story (about eight chapters) with Kuroo, as well as some other familiar Haikyuu faces.  It's a non-linear story with a little bit of love, a little bit of loss and a little humor. Please check it out if you have time!


This is my third Friday without posting and, while I want to apologize, any form of self-promotion feels gross to me right now — with everything that is going on. 
          And while I know that my stories don't have a large enough impact to be missed over the course of three weeks, I would like to ask you to dedicate the time it would take to read anything by me to signing petitions against racial violence, to banning choke hold and otherwise violent detaining practices and to defunding overinflated police departments.
          With Junteenth upon us, if you are really looking for something to read I would suggest checking out the history of the holiday here: https://www.juneteenth.com/history.htm and, as the end of May was the 99th anniversary of the Greenwood Race Massacre, learn more about  the massacre by reading this article (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/tulsa-oklahoma-greenwood-race-massacre-60-minutes-2020-06-11/?ftag=CNM-00-10aab7e&linkId=90662271&fbclid=IwAR3YCpTb9bUnbp2kEzUyNN8K2AJ6IMEHvjF3CylALvNzpzWg223N8YanW-w) and checking out the information on the Tulsa Museum website: #flexible-content." rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.tulsahistory.org/exhibit/1921-tulsa-race-massacre #flexible-content.</a>
          While it isn't a happy sentiment, I hope that we all remain uncomfortable with the world the way it is now and, that together, those who want to see change, can raise our voices loud enough to force actual change.