
guys state quals todayyy




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@_STAY_MAX_ so tired tho omg fuck school


I really like your account, you seem cool
          Wanna be friends?


also guys theres like this one ff that i read one time but i cant remember the name its like jisung is chans little brother who went away for like a year and minho is one of chans bsfs, jisung used to be like super socially awkward but came back super hot, his first day back he had a one night stand with minho, minho didnt realize who he was, they stayed together the whole day after the hookup but minho was too shy to ask for jisungs number cause hed never had a one night stand before and jisung was waiting for minho to ask, minho finds out the next day that jisung is chans brother and it turns into a whole kerfuffle does anyone know what its called