I can't to wait to get home because at 7pm like every night it is Emmerdale, a British soap, which is just incredible. It is just at the top of it's game, and I live near to where it is filmed is it is even better. At the moment it has just come out about Aaron and Roberts affair and Robert is married to his wife Chrissie. And Chrissie kissed the bad boy Cain once and Robert is using this in the divorce so he gets half of everything.
Emmerdale are going to have their big summer stunts, which looks and feels like it is going to be epic (We still don't know what is going to happen) from what has been happening recently. It seems like a number of characters might die, and one of my guess is Finn. Although Finn is one of my favourite characters. I also don't want either Aaron or Robert to die because I just love them both. Even though they had an affair everybody still loves them, which is slightly weird.
However, one person which I wouldn't mind being killed off would be Jai. I really liked him when he first came into the village, but now he just mean and cruel but above all of that he is just a plan bully. I really dislike him.
So I advise if you live in the UK watch Emmerdale this week but if you already do you know what I am talking about.
xoxo Spelbound