
          	Don't worry, next chapter is coming; sadly I was not able to write due to work catching me off guard, and then my trip plans left me without much time to write. I've been working on the most recent chapter today, so hopefully it'll be done since I had the working ideas.


Hey, thanks to those who've followed me recently; I'll get y'alls names at the start of chapter 11. It's gonna share some stuff about the Cult and give a small idea of the worlds magic (hopefully).
          Outside of that, hope you guys are having a wonderful day.


Sorry for the hold up, been working on some school stuff and I've been working on my health. We've got some stuff that will help me further, and we might have some stuff I can live with; Thank you for your patience. 
          If y'all have any suggestions for a quote don't hesitate to share, really want to talk more with the people who like my stuff, it feels a little weird honestly to not know what you guys enjoy about my work, but thank you nonetheless.


Howdy, uh I haven't done this before but I figured it'd be something interesting to try. As an announcement for my followers, you can suggest a quote for my next chapter's intro; I usually try to get one fitting the chapter OR, as the case is right now, to inspire me. 
          I hope you guys like this sort of engagement? If not that is fine, as I'm still trying to figure out what to do with having followers. I never figured I'd get this far with my story in such a short amount of time, so thank you for this problem!


Oh, shoot! Two people following in a weeks time? Wild... Uh, thanks for doing that! I can't really thank y'all enough for just enjoying my work, so to have people follow me is an even greater privilege. I hope I keep doing what drew you in, thank you!


I am mentally stable and okay, but...
          I've been reading and listening to the series on economic and political effects and how medieval economics worked. It is very interesting and can really give some understanding of how people's perceptions of things can heavily affect the economics of a country. 
          One of the affects I am particularly interested in is things like the Holy Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire's survived so long with a lot of war and conflict along with being sacked in different time periods and having many succession crisis'. English wars and the consequences there of on the world stage and how warfare evolved with constant money troubles plaguing each different country, and how revolutions, reformations, coups and straight up legal battles changing who owned what and the common people needing to know who their lord was not being as much of an issue except for taxation purposes (in practicality, there is good reason for the common folk to know your face, just it doesn't affect their lives as much), and even learning how medicine or religious practice also allowed hygiene to be more prevalent than it initially appears. Technology and the growth from simple methods is such an interesting dive. Though I may also be going completely insane by how deep I 've gone...