So your crush rejected you face to face? Okay, that sucks. But this is how mine rejected me.
So my best friend told my crush during October/November. (I can’t remember)
And when I decided to tell my crush, he was ignoring me. So I had to tell one of his friends (who new I liked him) to tell him.
And he was like “meh, I already know.”
And now THIS month, this kid starts hanging with ANOTHER girl in his class.
And she probably likes him.
And he probably likes her.
Like, exCUSE ME?
Can’t you just reject me face to face?
It would be easier instead of just hanging with some other girl in front of me? I’ve known you l o n g e r as well.
But Nooooooo.
And btw, me and my friend are still friends.
I’ve been crying a lot over this stupidness, and for some stupid reason I still like him. I just do.
I’ve liked him for about a whole year now.
That’s all. Thanks for reading. <3