the amount of people reading these pedo books is actually horrifying and makes me wanna go on a murder spree

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@spicyjew y’all are really defending pedophilia with your whole chests huh? Just because you CAN do something doesn’t mean you SHOULD do something. I’m not questioning the authors ability to romanticize pedophilia because they did it pretty well (as we can all see). I am saying that it should not have been done because pedophilia is never okay. It wasn’t okay in the past and it is not okay now. Y’all can stop defending that nasty shit though bc idc. Y’all have expressed how much you enjoy reading about adults raping children. Even if the book didn’t have an actual pedo relationship in it, it would’ve still been weird to be describing and reading about a 12 year old child in a sexual/explicit context. Educated people and uneducated people know that raping children (or anyone really) is not okay so let’s not use that dumb excuse again. Anyways let’s all shut the hell up bc I need time to cope with how many pedos and/or pedophile sympathizers I had to converse with today.

Woah woah woah woah I had to hop on my back up account bc I keep getting blocked before I can actually defend myself (very mature). To end on a fun note because I could care less about this argument that you guys seem very passionate about I’m just gonna say we’re on a free story website where anyone can type what they want, even some really dark shît because if you don’t like what the author has written then don’t read it rather than to just bash them. Some people aren’t as educated as you guys apparently so try to chill before you just throw around pedophile

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@galactic-shadow It very much is the secrecy of the internet that allows pedophiles and pedophile sympathizers to feel more comfortable doing and supporting predatory things. Most of the people on wattpad who read smut involving a child and an adult (aka rape scenes bc children cannot consent sex) wouldn’t express that they like these things in real life. Anyone who feels the need to support fiction books that romanticize pedophilia and sexual assault is either a pedophile themselves or they are not 100% against pedophilia which is simply not okay. Now please fuck off