


Thanks for always reading my books ,I feel like there is something I should do to show my gratitude so I make trailers (although I'm just startin') so I'm maybe like I can help you to make the trailer for your own book if you'll send me the description of your book duration and time you want to trailer to last and lastly background music.....just write me ur wassap number and I can help u complete it before a month or maybe a month if I get the time especially since skul has resumed.


Yayy!! I found a befitting name for this story. "The Gang Of Eight instead of 'the unimaginable things in high school" thanks for your time


Incase you think my story's too short make it known
          I learnt my stories are too short, so I will try to make it longer, have just been doing that because of those ones that do not like long stories.
          Anyways sorry, I just wanna inform y'all that I will tryna make them longer and make you love it thanks