
So I'm changing the some titles of the stories.


What did you guys think about olivia rodrigo performance of good 4 you at mtv video music awards? I honestly love her songs and she did a very good job. And good 4 you is my favorite song from her. What did you guys think? What's your favorite song from her?


@Bugheadisforever23 I honestly think she kills her performance shes amazing she looks like shes having so much fun


Traitor is definitely my favorite from her!! She did amazing!! Singing them live! Also she her voice messed up a couple of times but that perfectly okay, she’s not perfect AND it was one of her first times and she was probably really nervous. And everyone is saying she sounded bad but she didn’t. They expect her to be perfect her first time. 


Anyone watch or read The Darkest Minds?? I'm watching it rn but i'm thinking about reading the book too!!!!!


@Riverdalefans101 yassss omg i just read the book! But tbh i am not too keen on the movie cause idk the mc isn't how i imagined her. Everytime i see that actress all i can think of is rue from hunger games :( kinda ruins it for me.


MEEE!! I adore the books so much, and the movie was actually one of my favorites especially when it comes down to book-movie adaptations!!


I just watched one of the saddest movies it's called 2 hearts and it's on Netflix I literally bawled my eyes out anywho hope u guys are okay i'm always here to talk <33


@Riverdalefans101 I cried too! I feel like the movie felt a bit rushed though. It didn't showcase the romance as well as I would have liked. They were friends and then boom they were dating, boom they were engaged, now they have a kid, etc. I get that they were trying to show the most important moments but I still felt like it could have been better if they were willing to add more scenes in.


@Riverdalefans101 ohhhhh i see! Dayum that do be sad ngl ;_; kinda Fault in our Stars vibe. But then i will watch it. Probably just because its sad and a good romance as you say xD. Yes I'm weird if you didn't realize yet. Btw is it sadder than titanic? Cause that would be the ultimate standard of a sad romance story.


@FerieGolden Well...good and bad ig if u wanna know the reasons it's kinda explanitory so basically the bad this guy (Jacob Elordi) had an aneurysm in which yk :( and the good was he saved alot of lives by giving them transplants. Alot goes on in the movie but I recommend watching it!!! it's literally one of the best romance movies iv'e seen, honestly in my opinion it beats the kissing booth and that says alot lol 