
Happy 20th Anniversary of the Fullmetal Alchemist anime, which had its first episode released on October 4th, 2003!!
          	(I know most people care about Brotherhood, but still. :) )


My dear Friend! Just droping by to say how wonderful, beautiful, smart, talented, excellent writer and roleplayer. 
          Never give up on those beautiful life long dreams.


@SpiderOfWater Aw! Don’t make me cry because that was very sweet. Your kind words make it wonderful


@BeckyMerari1909 Aww, thank you so much!! Thank you for all your invitations to various roleplays and for consistently hosting them! You do a lovely job, and I wouldn't come back on my own if I felt otherwise. :)


Hey, y'all!
          One quick thing: I've been contemplating this for a while now, and I finally got an AO3 account! I'll still be active on wattpad (at least... as much as I have been), so this is just a general announcement. My content will generally be the same, though I doubt I will actually bring my art book over there. If I post anything on AO3 that I don't post on wattpad (for whatever reason), I'll be sure to announce it and leave links as I usually would for things that /are/ on wattpad.
          Here's the link to my account, but it's also posted in my bio: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Cecilia_Faith
          I hope everyone is doing well!


@ZeddiTheSecond That's true. There are advantages and disadvantages.


@SpiderOfWater yeah it sucks, but at least I don't have five billion notifications every day from certain akuma XD still miss making friends from it though 


@ZeddiTheSecond That's fair, especially since all your stories/ interactions are on the other account. I'd be pretty peeved if that happened to me, tbh. :/


Just recently started and finished Avatar: The Last Airbender, and I have to say that it was absolutely INCREDIBLE! For reference, it's one of the few shows I can actually compare to Trollhunters without humiliating it. (Trust me, that's saying A LOT.) It tells such a beautiful and compelling story with characters that just feel so real. There's so much to say, but this message would be MUCH too long if I wrote it all down.
          Anyways, that's my quick note of the day; I hope everyone's doing well!


@Liznightangel That sounds pretty cool; thanks for sharing! :)


@SpiderOfWater theres a ttrpg out based on it


Finished today's drawing, but expect the post tomorrow. Additionally, I know for a fact that I'm NOT going tomorrow's drawing done in time, but expect it within the week (longer estimated time just in case).
          Hope y'all are doing well!