
hey im not active on this acct anymore sorry. thanks for enjoying my fic :)


Hello everybody! So, I'm guessing all o' you know my story Sparkling Troubles.... Actually I think that's why you all followed me. Anyway. I'm taking a vote. Do you want Bee to stay Decepticon after being rescued?
          Whoever wants Bee to change back to an Autobot before being retrieved by them and make the story boring, say no. 
          Whoever wants Bee to stay Decepticon and make the story go on for about twenty chapters more than the other suggestion, say yes. 


@SpiderSilkTales NO!! I love Bee and would hate to see him on the bad side, even if he doesn't know it.


Let him be a con then turn back to a bot closer to the end! I can't stand him being separated from his bro smokes forever! 