
i got a new computer:]


hello, I have returned, hopefully my inspiration to write lasts longer this year, as I plan on finally making progress with Spidey and his amazing friends and all my other fics its gonna be a bit difficult given I'm also juggling my yt channel and twitch while still being involved in my personal life but i have faith in myself. i hope to keep you guys in the loop this year so any absences don't go unexplained. i will eventually post a chapter in my announcements book that will go into more depth about why i was gone for so long and what my plans are, i look forward to everything this year has in store. have a good day and happy new year. :3


Apologies i haven't had any time to write as I am currently ill, and cannot function well but I promise you as soon as I get better I wil get back to writing.


@tommydragon101 thank you, I will focus on recovering my strength 


You focus on getting better that’s what matters 