Hi everyone! I'm sorry to tell you guys but I was recently hacked on this account and the person had taken both my stories and deleted them off my account. I unfortunately didn't think about backing up my stories and lost everything. I had to make a new email,password and username. So I appreciate the support you guys have given me and if you were only here for my control stories then I would understand for the unfollow. But thank you all the for the positive energy I get gotten from you all and if you stay I hope you will enjoy my Spider-Man/Peter Parker stories that I have started on! I am currently working on a Parksborn story, MCU version of Hary Osborn/Peter Parker'a friendship/relationship! :)

@SpideyMan1 That sucks but I'm sure any of you work will be great!! You have my full support with whatever you post! Plus Spider-Man is the best!!! :)