
Guys! Hello! I'm so excited because for all of of in Australia (g'day fellow Aussies, throw a shrimp on the barbie for me) we have mid year holidays! I've been ice skating twice and I've been on holidays for 4 days! I just love winter! I'm so happy that every sentence ends with an exclamation mark!
          	Enjoy this cupcake and enjoy your holidays! 
          	P.S. STILL no cupcake emoji! Very annoyed about this. 


Guys! Hello! I'm so excited because for all of of in Australia (g'day fellow Aussies, throw a shrimp on the barbie for me) we have mid year holidays! I've been ice skating twice and I've been on holidays for 4 days! I just love winter! I'm so happy that every sentence ends with an exclamation mark!
          Enjoy this cupcake and enjoy your holidays! 
          P.S. STILL no cupcake emoji! Very annoyed about this. 


Ikr what are they thinking like fine make this creepy dude  but no cupcake?!


Yesss like why don't they make one????? 


I'm actually not sure if this is a cake or a pie. It looks amazing though. 
          This one time, my friend got an email from an unknown source saying "I like pie. Do you like pie? Cuz I like pie." I was at her house and it really creeped us out. 
          I don't know if I like cakes or pies better, because I really like pies, but I think I'd have to say cakes, because there are so many more flavours. My friend's mom makes an amazing caramel pie though...


Hi. Something that confused me is that in all the books I read, nerds get picked on and aren't "cool" and "popular". 
          However, while I don't wear the glasses, I could still be classified as one. I study hard, I'm good in class and I'm an A student. (Not boasting here, just stating facts.) So why aren't I a nerd? I think often stereotypes are actually really old and outdated. I don't know. It's confusing.
          So for this cupcake, I have (drumroll please) nerds and nerds!!! Yay! 
          Also. Bullying is wrong. It's not okay to pick on someone just because they are different to you. Everyone is unique and everyone has a life you may not know about. Are we clear? Awesome! Enjoy the cupcake!


Hi again! Hope everyone's having a good year (or whatever is you're not in Australia)! So, I've never had one, but a lot of my friends have fish. 
          One of my friends has a goldfish pond. One of my friends has like four tanks of fish. One of my friends has a fish that's TWELVE YEARS OLD! So anyway, I feel like at some point in my life, I should get a fish. 
          Maybe when I'm really old and all the kids have moved out, I can get a fish and then talk to it and everyone will think I'm senile. That would be pretty awesome. ANYWAY. I'll finish my rant about fish 
          by saying that this cupcake is really cool. I don't know how you'd make it, but it's awesome. 
          Bye now!