
So I already have an origin story on T.C (Twitchy Charlie) in progress. Next up is Zeanaka Whitikers! I can't wait! I'll have her story written in a while, just as long as I keep trucking along with T.C, I should be able to get to Zean-Bean in no time!


So I already have an origin story on T.C (Twitchy Charlie) in progress. Next up is Zeanaka Whitikers! I can't wait! I'll have her story written in a while, just as long as I keep trucking along with T.C, I should be able to get to Zean-Bean in no time!


Guys guess what???!!! I realized I'm emotionally unstable! I have been snapping a lot lately, and, well, I'm trying to pull that together. The source? M friend who had suicide attempts, it worries me that she'll hurt herself. . The emojis sum up the past week.


No, it's another friend of mine. She recently got placed in a mental hospital after being in two abusive homes. One being her bio family, another with her first foster home.


@Spirit2007 oof, am I that friend?