
God it's literally been years sense I put ANYTHING on this lmao. How's everyone been? God I use this app so much but I never ever do anything besides read now lol. I REALLY need to clean out my library and reading list- I haven't touched the list in years nor have I touched most of those books in years (lots from when I first joined years ago and never read.) I also REALLY need to update my bio- 
          	Also anyone here also play Cult of the Lamb? I love that game. I've been needing some friends to talk about that game with lol.
          	I also got a discord sever if anyone wants to join- it's kinda deaf thanks to me losing some friends thanks to getting manipulated but life happeneds and I'm not gonna vent on this about that- 
          	I'll gladly share the link to anyone who wants it- I do got rules for it obviously (21 to be exact but they are like minor things about drama mainly) 
          	Hope yall have an amazing day/night!!!!^^


@SpiritDeathFury I’ll try to check it out soon. I’ve been swamped at work lately 


@AshleyMoon1507 thanks and I really felt that- honestly I highly recommend it if you ever do consider getting it as it's really fun^^


Glad to see your back! I’m trying to motivate myself to get back into writing again. (So many…..drafts….) Cult of the lamb is a good game. I’ve seen videos on it but I haven’t played myself. 


God it's literally been years sense I put ANYTHING on this lmao. How's everyone been? God I use this app so much but I never ever do anything besides read now lol. I REALLY need to clean out my library and reading list- I haven't touched the list in years nor have I touched most of those books in years (lots from when I first joined years ago and never read.) I also REALLY need to update my bio- 
          Also anyone here also play Cult of the Lamb? I love that game. I've been needing some friends to talk about that game with lol.
          I also got a discord sever if anyone wants to join- it's kinda deaf thanks to me losing some friends thanks to getting manipulated but life happeneds and I'm not gonna vent on this about that- 
          I'll gladly share the link to anyone who wants it- I do got rules for it obviously (21 to be exact but they are like minor things about drama mainly) 
          Hope yall have an amazing day/night!!!!^^


@SpiritDeathFury I’ll try to check it out soon. I’ve been swamped at work lately 


@AshleyMoon1507 thanks and I really felt that- honestly I highly recommend it if you ever do consider getting it as it's really fun^^


Glad to see your back! I’m trying to motivate myself to get back into writing again. (So many…..drafts….) Cult of the lamb is a good game. I’ve seen videos on it but I haven’t played myself. 


this message may be offensive
Ok so this happened awhile ago but this happened in my stepdads birthday it went like this: my moms ex-friend is taking the candles out of the cupcakes and me being  bored as hell cuz mom didn’t allow me on my phone then I was watching and she (moms ex-friend) goes to give my stepdad his cupcake and I’m watching still and this bitch says this, ”no this is not for you this is stepdad’s” I said, ”I know” and this bitch says I’m not allowed to have some fucking cake and after that her and my mom gave me  alcohol and she said I wasn’t allowed to spit it out and they made me have it because I couldn’t go home because grandpa was at work and I was 12, then they where reported and they told me I asked to have it and I could spit it out I didn’t and they wouldn’t let me spit it out


@KittyPerryOZ thank you so much for your amazing message, it really made my day :)


That's not awesome... I'm sorry to hear that fellow human... Just remember your never alone sense you have your Wattpad family here supporting you! : )


this message may be offensive
Do y’all remember my aunt, well she’s still here and she wants me to clean my gliders cage and I’ll do that but she wants it done today and set a time and I had to go to the bathroom and she was telling me to pick a time and this is what my (bitch of an) aunt told me ‘oh so you can go run to the bathroom but not give me a time.’ Yeah I know I need to but seriously she is a fucking bitch who won’t let me A FUCKNG ALMOST 13 YEAR OLD GO TO THE FUCKING BATHROOM........ yes I’m 12 3/4 almost 13 I will be a teen on February 17 but I mean come on bitch let me go to the fucking bathroom room
          And please don’t hate me  for being 12 almost 13 


@SpiritWingPrime I know how it feels... I had someone like that in my life... 


 I feel so bad for you. She sounds like someone I would hate to meet. Oh dear lord how have you not already blew a fuse so to speak at her? I would have by now with an attitude like that’s she’s giving you. 


this message may be offensive
Ok I’m am SSSSOOO pissed. My Aunt is over from Texas and she is being Inpatient with me with the stockings because I want to take a fucking break and she won’t let me and I just heard her say that she was finished and it’s my been my job since my grandma was alive and now she comes and thinks she can do what ever she fucking wants and I’m pissed trying my hardest not to swear my head off at her but I’m gonna break soon because you don’t take over someone’s tradition because they are taking a fucking break. Oh and get this when I was at school she decorated MY tree I mean who does that type of shit when it’s someone’s tradition


Damn. I mean even my family know to NEVER interfere with my traditions otherwise I’ll get pissed. And hey best revenge on her. Just redecorate your tree and move the stockings to where you put them. Your tradition not hers. 


            SHE NEEDS TO GO TO HELL!!! D:<