{Journal Entry 357:
Ha, wow- it’s been a year since I learned to rite.
I mean, I have spilling issues here and ther still but I don’t think thats my falt
How long half I been in this Limbo? I feel like its been just a week,, but if my brain knows anithing, its most likely been a LOT longer.
I’m bored. Realy bored. It’s been a long week, and there is no day or night.
Is this even reall?
How is this all real when I know for a fac that {Scribbles of frustration blur out this part.}
I miss ‘home’. I miss my village. I miss lerning things, and pulling pranks.
However, there is this strange dark spot growing nearer in this Limbo
I wonder what that is.
Till’ next time, Journal,
Scintilla<3 }