
New Just A Game chapter, out now!


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Happy new year! This year, I'm not going to just disappear from the internet for months without saying anything, I'm actually going to do my fucking job. Sorry for how long I was away. I know not many people keep up with my posts anymore, which is completely fair, but if you've ever read any of my content, I really appreciate it, and I'm not going to take that long of a break again any time soon. This will be an amazing year.


I know it's been a very long time. I wanna let you know that I haven't died or anything. I've been suffering a bit lately and haven't been able to make myself write anything, but I swear I'm gonna get back to it as soon as possible. Stay safe, guys. I appreciate you all.


We ask questions to be answered, not to be judged. You should never respond to a question with anything other than an answer. Just because you know something that someone else doesn't, it doesn't make the other an idiot. We all need to be educated sometimes, so educate us, don't judge us.


✨✨paste this on ten of the nicest people's profiles and if you get ten then you're special✨✨  (btw ur the only nice person I could think of lmao)


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holy shit. I just looked back on a conversation I had with someone back in 2022, and I was the most parasocial son of a bitch. I really hope the person I talked to doesn't think I'm completely insane lol, judging by their reply they don't, but I still feel so bad