
Happy New Year lovelies!! Here’s to hoping 2021 is a bigger and better year for all of us! ❤️


Hey I'm loving the book BDSM academy and was wondering if you knew when there will be an update for it. Thanks :)


@Rosalie_honey Ya same here it was really amazing. With a nice writing style and engaging story. I read only first 3 chapters and I am so into this book but regretably it is incomplete with 8 chapters. 
            Dear Author
            Will you be continuing story? Please do so


Hi everyone!!
          Yes, I am still alive. I apologize for not being on here for so long, I've been working on stuff on my other account; I'm working on an Omegaverse guide as well as so many more fanfictions. Head on over there if you want to check them out! ;)
          But anyway, I just wanted to log back in and check in with you guys and see how all of you are doing. I've been responding to a few comments, apologies for the late responses. Aside from that, I am working on the stories on this account I promise. They are slow updates of course, that's why I put it in the tags.
          Anyway, I hope you all are well, I hope everyone and their families are safe while practicing social distancing as well as wearing a mask in public and keeping in contact with their love ones.
          Stay safe, I love you all, and we shall meet in the next update!! <3


Hey guys! I'm working on chapter 8 of BDSM Academy at the moment, so be on the alert for the new chapter! I was hoping to get it out New Years Day, but I probably won't get it out by then. I'm trying my best to write and get it out for your guys, but keep getting writer's block mixed with being busy and spending time with family, and I'm trying to make it sound rushed when it goes out.
          So please bear with me guys; I am working on it during my free time, so be on the lookout.
          Love you all and again, Happy New Year!❤️