
What would everyone say to my idea of a Solo-Leveling crossover with Transformers Prime, with Jack Darby as the solo-leveler? 
          	Or would Eminence of  Shadow be a better choice to cross over with  Transformers Prime?


So I have a question for anyone who’d like to answer or just help me out. I’m planning on doing a transformers Prime/Bakugon crossover. Should I make it to where the transformers can be used alongside the bakugon in a battle, with their own ability cards? Or should they just watch from the sidelines.


Are you familiar with Evangelion


@Sithlord-666 sounds like you should make the story on your end and see how ell it does


Well this is how I would add the tranformers to it
            The Autobots would act like how angels usually are. Protectors, mentors, teachers, that sort of thing.
            But the Decepticons are demons. Megatron is completely aware of the SEEL/instramentality conspiracy and so decides to just bide his time and only send the other Decepticons out to keep the autobots occupied/stop them from suspecting anything. But what's interesting is that who he sends out is intended to mock the conspiracy in some way.
            the belief that being a piolet makes you special and the dummy pug - Vehicons and their disposable nature
            Tokyo 3, a testament to engineering - Constructicons can build some thing better and tear it down
            The idea that you shouldn't form attachments because they will just leave you - Airachnid, "Got any partners I can STEAL"
            The 3 piolets working in harmony and how the MAGI works - TFA Blitswing, 3 faces of madness.
            Misato the strategist and Kaji the spy - Soundwave, the child they could have had that would show them both up.
            Rits buying the idea that humans are at an evolutionary dead end - Shockwave, the tp insecticons, and tp predicons "Evolution does not work that way."
            The dynamic between Gendo and SEEL- StarScream
            Gendo a petty delinquent - Steel jaw one of cybertron's most wanted
            "By becoming one in body and soul we will achieve peace" - Menasor
            Megatron himself is also not above showing off something wrong with the conspiracy. SEEL, "Humans are fools only capable of harming others." Megatron would say that if that was true humans would last longer than five seconds in the pits of Kaon.


@Sithlord-666 thought I haven’t watched the series in years. Nor would I honestly know how to go about it


Hey guy, I have a quick question for you. For my next Sonic the Hedgehog/Transformers Prime crossover. Should it involve the child of  Shadow and Amy or Sonic and Blaze? Both stories are ready to go. I'd just like everyone's input on it first. Also, take into account that this entire year has been called the Year of Shadow


Hello! I hope you're doing well. I'd love it if you could check out my story. No worries if you're unable to, and feel free to delete this message if you need to. Have a great day!


@i_am_music_criticism sure thing. I hope you get a lot of reviews and favorites from it


hey guys, I had an idea for a story, how do you feel about this? Assassins Creed and Transformers Prime.


@Spiritwolf76 ok but I was thinking jacks mind in erzas body as a split personality


That’s not a ad idea. It’ll mean Jack will just be wearing male versions of erza’s armors. If I do it. It’ll be after the whole unicron ark so he’ll have the key to vector sigma with him. Should and if team prime join him at a later date, mainly arcee? Since withe the key. Optimus can sense jacks bond with the key through the matrix