
Apparently Wattpad is having a notification bug again - for those that are reading it, and might have missed the notification, yes, The Paper Crown did update yesterday.


@CandyWest95 well it wouldn't be the first time I hadn't, which is why I felt the need to post the announcement 


@ Spiszy  Thank you! I was just wondering why didn't you update hahaha 


crawling back to you.... except "you" is "Intolerable Civility" and I just finished rereading it yet again. It was one of your best and as much as I LOVE paper crown, no one will come close to my baby IC


@herbiesaidwhat haha  thank you so much  I'm glad I is someone's favourite. It was a hard one to write!


Apparently Wattpad is having a notification bug again - for those that are reading it, and might have missed the notification, yes, The Paper Crown did update yesterday.


@CandyWest95 well it wouldn't be the first time I hadn't, which is why I felt the need to post the announcement 


@ Spiszy  Thank you! I was just wondering why didn't you update hahaha 


Hello author. I wanted to ask how many chapters will the paper crown have?


@Spiszy okay okay thanks for the reply 


@Midnight_Dairies At the moment, it's looking to be somewhere between 70 and 80 chapters. On average, they're quite short chapters though.


Hi. I've just started reading widow in white but noticed that people refer to lady in rags in the comment section. Is there the order how to read these books or it does not matter and I can read them independently?


@sheyyne_ Hope you like it :)


Oh, I see. I'll switch to lady in rags then. Thank you (:


@sheyyne_ Technically, Lady in Rags is first, but they're two sequential love stories about two separate couple, so you can read Widow in White without reading Lady in Rags at all and everything will make sense. If you do read Widow in White first, then read Lady in Rags after, there might be a few small spoilers for Lady in Rags, but nothing major.


Very much missing your updates - but hope you are taking care and will love returning to reading your story when you’re up for it! 


@Cazza12345678910 Hi!!! Thank you for the comment ♥️ I'm so sorry for the long delay but I am back now 


Perhaps I am over stepping since I don’t know you personally but after such a long absence - praying for you and your family!  May the Lord bless you and keep you close during this time! 


@WindyJoy9 It is ironically that my plate is empty - I finished up my master's degree a month or so ago and ever since I put in that thesis and got all the pressure off... I turned into a slug  I am slowly deslugifying and getting back into being productive... slowlllly.


@Spiszy soo good to know you are ok-ish!  But girl we are all allowed a break so don’t sweat it!  Sometimes our plates become too full and we just dump it you are not alone in that struggle. 


@WindyJoy9 @candywest95 Thank you, you guys <3 You're both so kind. I am totally okay, but very burnt out and trying to avoid responsibilities, even the hint of responsibilities.


Dear Spiszy,
          It is with bittersweet tears in my eyes that I write this message to you, the author of my favorite book. 
          Books, novels in particular, have been everything to me since childhood. My stronghold, my entertainer and as a bonafide introvert that I am, it has also been my dearest companion.
          Officially, I joined Wattpad four years ago but I actually used to use my aunt's phone to access every book app I can find long before. And on my very first day, there it was... the book I could never forget, An Impossible Deception.
          The first four chapters of your work blew my small mind as a child and I longed for the day I would get my own phone and would be able to afford your book. 
          Finally, after using all my bonus coins on the next few chapters, I'm here, able and willing to pay for your excellent words but I can't. Unfortunately, as a Nigerian, I can't pay for it, not from Nigeria.
          Words cannot express my disappointment, my sadness... I am pained. I have no grand words to express my love for your work but I just hope you know that even if I can't read your novel like I want to, even if I can't savor every words that travels across the page l long to, An Impossible Deception still remains and will always remain, my favorite novel.
          Perhaps I might be just one of the many to express myself like this, perhaps you might've heard these words before, or perhaps you might not even read my message... I just hope that, one day, I might be blessed with the privilege of reading your book.
          Thank you for existing.


@Spiszy Thank you so much for even bothering to read my message. Perhaps you're right and it is a complex issue involving app stores and various countries' commercial laws or perhaps not.
            Either way, it's nice knowing that you care enough to reply. Thank you very much.


@VictoriaDuhu Hi, first of all, thank you so much for writing such an eloquent and complimentary note. It means so much to me to hear that you love my stories. 
            Secondly, yes, you are not the first to say something like that. I find it so frustrating that African readers have such a hard time access paid stories. So many of my readers are African (and so many specifically Nigerian) and I've had a lot of people complain that Wattpad literally won't let them pay for a story they want to read or they can't get free coins etc. etc. and it's just not fair to you guys. All I can ever do is suggest submitting bug reports if it's a bug and reading free stories if it's not, but it honestly sucks. I don't know what Wattpad is trying to do about it either - but I suspect it's a pretty complex issue involving the app stores and various countries' commercial laws.
            As for ever being able to read it... I certainly hope that one day you will be able to, but for the time being I have no plans to remove it from the Paid program. I can only, as with the others, suggest that you read my free stories :(
            Thank you again so much <3 This was a beautiful comment to read.