
Hey guys! I'm in need for help! So this years in Science class, we have to do a project. I was assigned to write a book. My teacher didn't tell me what kind of book. Fan fiction, drama, or something to do with science. Please help me pick what to do. Thanks guys :)


Hey guys! I'm in need for help! So this years in Science class, we have to do a project. I was assigned to write a book. My teacher didn't tell me what kind of book. Fan fiction, drama, or something to do with science. Please help me pick what to do. Thanks guys :)


Hey guys! Want to read In The Heavens II (TFIOS & Divergent Fanfiction)? I wrote Chapter 1 of it! I'm not publishing yet, but if you want to read it and tell me want you think, just let me know! Hope you guys enjoyed the first book, In The Heavens (TFIOS & Divergent Fanfiction)!!!