Rosemary is my OC!
I will go by her instead of my real self (I'm bad for giving away personal info!).
Rosemary is a tortiseshell and white... cat..? She looks and tends to act like a cat, but transforms into a jet and car, so maybe?? She is young, however, not a sparkling or kit. (Watch out- I'm into Warriors and Transformers!) She is an apprentice, perhaps 10-13 in human years. She fits into Transformers: Prime (my personal FAVORITE!!) and sticks around the med-bay like Twigkit/paw did. Most times, however, she stays near Starscream or Megatron for safety and comfort. Rosemary acts... well... like a cat! She is usually calm, quiet, almost skittish, but constantly longs to get he claws around prey. In her leisure time she will either nap, attempt to squeeze herself in some random area, or find an adult and get on their nerves. At the end of the day, she's always up to cuddle, or simply sit by a warm fire and rest. IF SHE HAD A FIRE. They seriously need to install one of them things in the Nemesis! Oh, whatever.

Flower Power!
(Get it... 'cause... her name... oh... nevermind...
  • go away
  • JoinedJanuary 19, 2020
