Hey Midnight Trouble~~Thanx for choosing to follow me. You wont be disappointed. It's best to first real the Prologue of my stories--just to see f they are your cup of tea. I write in different genre so if are a vampire fan, romance freak or erotica over you will probably find something to keep coming back to. From what I see of your reading taste and habits, Midnight, check out the Prologue to "WICCA Girl"
--its about a young girl who has supernatural powers. She has this avatar woman who was labeled a witch back in the 1500's and their two stories kinda come together chapter by chapter--a lot of girls like this one right now.
And of course there is always "The Tattooed Princess"--its a bit sexy in places but its about three girls who are abducted in the ancient world--how they escape slavery and fall in love in the process (BOOK ONE of this trilogy has now 124,000 reads!)
I hope we stay connected.