
this message may be offensive
Holy shit haha! i'm starting to realize that my strange inability to finish commissions and projects in a timely manner might not be entirely my fault... bc i meant to sit down and start cracking on some projects this morning but some shit happened so i'm currently waiting for a tow truck


like that time i started moving to an entirely different state abt a month after already moving once but had to stall it a bit bc i got the news my dad broke his hip and a close relative got stuck by lightning on the same day


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Welcome to the chaos that is my daily life everyone!! it’s not even my fault too- shit just happens to me. 


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Holy shit haha! i'm starting to realize that my strange inability to finish commissions and projects in a timely manner might not be entirely my fault... bc i meant to sit down and start cracking on some projects this morning but some shit happened so i'm currently waiting for a tow truck


like that time i started moving to an entirely different state abt a month after already moving once but had to stall it a bit bc i got the news my dad broke his hip and a close relative got stuck by lightning on the same day


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Welcome to the chaos that is my daily life everyone!! it’s not even my fault too- shit just happens to me. 


Okay, the update will be postponed till later this week but ONLY because it has been years since i’ve started this and i haven’t had time to work on ANY of it until right now. I’m going to bust my ass on this so i can actually start showing progress and stop making empty promises. I have a couple commissions i need to finish by Monday but that should be quick. Like I said, i’m going to kick it in gear. I’ve been out of town on something of a business trip the last few days with no time for leisure, so i probably should have made my original due date later this week rather than today, but it is what it is. sorry for any inconvenience!


I have made considerable progress today, but not enough to be posted. I’ve realized that the story needs MANY more changes than originally planned. I started this so long ago and I actually might have adopted the concept from someone else (I always ask first), but it’s been so long I don’t really remember. Due to the extreme nature of the changes I will be posting any and all updates as a separate work under a similar name. That way both versions are still available. I originally planned to slam out rough drafts of future chapters while updating the current ones but that’s no longer an option. So yeah, still working on Twisted Wishes technically. I’ll make an announcement when I finally some content out for the new version!


Oh my god I just scrolled thru all my old announcements of me saying I’m continuing Twisted Wishes throughout the years….. I really am sorry about that. I have to pack for a semi-business trip today but as soon as that and some cleaning is done I’m gonna crack down and try my best to get something new out by Sunday at the absolute latest. Really am sorry about that haha- plus the multiple rambling announcements. I’ll go get cracking on my adult duties rn lmao


Ok! do your best  and good luck


Also I’ll be entirely revamping Twisted Wishes from the ground up; although a few things ARE going to stay the same. As it is, I started planning the plot some seven years ago now so much of it needs to be refreshed or entirely redone- the fic was supposed to take place after the final episode of season 1 or something but I have since watched more of the anime and read more of the manga. I’ll do my best with what i have but if there are any discrepancies feel free to call them out! With the exception of characters acting different Im perfectly willing to fix any and all of my plenty mistakes. As this will take a while, I’ll try to give as much new content as I can while revamping the entire thing. I haven’t checked but Im pretty sure in the ninth chapter there’s a scene where I wrote ‘Add Dialogue’ and then literally never added it haha.  So you’ll likely see plenty mistakes like these in any new parts I put out. Please keep in mind that those will be very bare boned beta chapters, while I shore up plot holes elsewhere. Also a lot of the new content WILL be subject to the same extreme change as everything else- somethings are going to change drastically in this story out of necessity.  The ‘new’ content will also almost certainly be plot points and content I never completed or published three years ago, hence it needing to be changed after possibly publishing it. Chapter Nine was supposed to be just a beta placeholder too but Life’s a bitch. I am also terrible, sorry haha. 


Sorry for the late update and extremely long hiatus! To say things have been crazy is an understatement haha. In any case, Twisted Wishes won’t be completely abandoned- I still enjoy it. It might take me a while to get back into writing bc i have a lot to take care of right now, but i will certainly continue it. God knows I certainly have enough of th plot planned haha. And who knows? Maybe i’ll even pick up some of my other, older works. I also post on Archive of Our Own, under a different name and different works but I’ll let that be for a bit. Feel free to message me with any questions- I might not answer right away but i’ll do my best to get back to you!


I will be revising and posting new chapters for Twisted Wishes, Surreal Situations, and Not Machines over the next month or so, and I can’t wait to get started! Sorry for the long hiatus, life has been insane and I just started college. Keep your eyes out for my new BNHA fic, I Will Endure (For You)!! Coming soon 
          Can’t wait to revise and update everything, so I’ll do my best for you guys. Also, keep in mind that I started a few of these YEARS ago, such as Twisted Wishes, and I will do my best to make them more canon compliant in some areas and improve the overall story. Have a great day!!


@Spontaneous-splenzi any word on twisted wishes I'm so excited for it


Twisted Wishes is currently on Haitus. Sorry for no updates recently, I’m really busy with life again. I’m trying to pass my last year of high school and finish the first chapter of my novel (not fan fiction- surprise!). I hope I can continue revamping Twisted Wishes on the side so I might be able to add some more soon. My other fics might get a little attention too- probs just making sure all my chapters are actually posted. Have a great December guys!