
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH ️‍️‍️‍️‍⚧️️‍⚧️


oof rip the flags i put




@ arandomtree12  Awwww thank you, appreciate it 


@arandomtree12 and i only say this because mine is cringe and urs is good


          I want to thank you all. For supporting me with reading my books, voting , commenting or even adding my book to your reading list/ following me. It means a lot to me, and also for my dream to write my own fantasy story it helps a lot. 
          Stay safe everyone, and remember:
          The sun will always shine after rain.


I’ve always thought of what death was. You can’t ask it to someone who is dead. You only know it when you die.  So I want sometimes go out of my mind and travel to a high mountain and jump of the mountain. Or jump in front off a train. But then I think. If I jump, I can’t tell what death is. So does it make sense? No. But I still want to do it. But when you tell someone about it, they’ll stop you. Some because they care about you, some because they care about the future from the earth. It’s frustrating because you don’t know who really cares about you, or who cares about the future from the earth. So you don’t know who you can trust. You are just alone in the whole world, with that many people you’re just alone. And that makes me scared, and I just want to jump. Jump out of frustration, because I want to be free, because I’m a burden. 
          I just want to be free. Free from those struggles. It’s hard