
Hello everyone! First let me begin by saying that I am very sorry for not have been writing and leaving you on a cliffhanger for about...three years now haha. In all honesty, I was locked out of my account. I couldn't remember the email and password, I know, it sounds dumb haha. But I haven't given up on this story and I have been thinking about it and I want to thank you all for such great support and all the nice comments, they're very appreciated and makes me smile. 
          	Now tbh I'm not sure if I have enough ideas for this fanfiction as I did when I started this fanfiction off. As promised though, I will continue with it. I hope you'll enjoy!


@Spooky0Skeletons the story is very good. Plz continue


Hello everyone! First let me begin by saying that I am very sorry for not have been writing and leaving you on a cliffhanger for about...three years now haha. In all honesty, I was locked out of my account. I couldn't remember the email and password, I know, it sounds dumb haha. But I haven't given up on this story and I have been thinking about it and I want to thank you all for such great support and all the nice comments, they're very appreciated and makes me smile. 
          Now tbh I'm not sure if I have enough ideas for this fanfiction as I did when I started this fanfiction off. As promised though, I will continue with it. I hope you'll enjoy!


@Spooky0Skeletons the story is very good. Plz continue


SPOOKS <3333 -Enge


thatd be a good idea 


my friends did this thing where they made and acc and shared it between them


@malachiteAlchie I do ahhh
            Trust me I'd of continued


Hello everyone. I've recently watched Jojo (just started part 3) and it is super great! I love everything about it and part 4 is confirmed!! The ships are super cute and I love each one and I keep thinking about it. So, what I'm saying is that I may drop the Darren Shan fanfiction for now, I'll probably continue much later, and start probably some new fanfictions that have to do with JJBA. I've also been thinking of making a book dedicated to my drawings, uploading some from time to time. I hope this will work and get plenty more followers. Thank you.


Hey guys, sorry I haven't been on for a bunch of months. I sort of gave up on the fanfiction and thought it was a dumb idea. I got a kitten now too and school has started with a butt load of homework and assignments. I'm not sure if I'll be able to write more all the time but now that I've started writing at school I got my senses back that I actually can write well, so I'll do my best and not dissapoint you guys. I'll see you later. Goodbye.