Good evening everyone, let me start off by giving my most SINCERE apologies.
I know I said I was going to start publishing a LOT more often, and I promise I am trying my best. A LOT of things have happened in the past few months since my last big update like this one.
Let me go ahead and update on you guys on a few things really quickly before I get onto the story section of this prompt...
First of all, I turned 20 years old on the 14th of October, which was only 2 days ago from when this post was published. So I've kinda been celebrating here and there and just having some alone time with myself, friends, family, etc.
Secondly, I've been working on ideas for how to write more efficiently whe writing my stories and parts and all that. An idea that kept popping up was just to upgrade from my mobile device, since my iPhone 11 has been my way of writing for THE LONGEST TIME. I have decided to go ahead and make an investment on getting a laptop, which I have finally done! It's actually what I am currently using to write this prompt/update.
Thirdly, on my birthday, not only did I turn 20 years old, BUT, me and my best friend of 8 (almost 9 years) have decided to become a thing. Funny enough, this person just happens to be my co-author @SunnyDireWolf. So I guess you'll be seeing us produce more parts for you guys...
ON THAT NOTE, that is all the new and fancy information that I have for you tonight. I have just released a new part, so go ahead and read that to entice whatever makes you happy lol
See y'all later, you little memes.