
A user named "Maria1994ew" is going around on people's message boards just tagging them and saying nothing else. If you see them, BLOCK THEM. They are a scammer.


HIIIIIIII!!! I might've lost the other account due to email/password issues, and I don't feel like trying to make a new one and resend a ton of fics to myself, so I'll just stick with this one, even if someone might be stalking me on it. Not like they'll find much anyway.
          If anyone wants to reconnect with me, I'll be heere! Also, I know it's been a long time, but those of you who knew me IRL all those years ago, I'd like to catch up, if you're interested. 


          This account is NOT going to be deleted, however this is the last time you will ever see me make an update. I have another account, and the people that I wanted to know about it have already been notified. I'm sorry for any inconvenience, but the only reason this account is still alive is because I haven't gone through all of the fanfiction I left here for... About a year now. I will probably end up deleting the account, or there is a very slim chance that I will take the account back up, but if so then it won't be for another few years. Have a good day, guys gals and Nonbinary pals. Peace out.


@SpoopySparySpeletons aww man :/ i can't believe i missed this message tho


Yo I made a video who wants to watch it??? Imma put it on YouTube for you if I can get five people to say yes they want to watch it


Ah well fook. I guess.  I'll put it up.


@SpoopySparySpeletons okay one more, my girlfriend said yes. 


I'm torturing myself by listening to Phil Collins 'you'll be in my heart' while thinking about Tony Stark.... And I was trying to torture my mom with it. At least I have a friend that I can tell this and big them about it because they watched it and is also torn up because of End Game.